No Category selected Going longer and longer means you have to do things more and...

    Going longer and longer means you have to do things more and more correctly

    As you continue your journey towards longer or faster runs, one thing should become more and more important.  It’s a catch all phrase, but it is by far the most important aspect you need to concern yourselves with: it is proper execution.  On short runs, if you make a mistake in terms of shoes, socks, dinner the night before, breakfast (or skipping it entirely), it’s not that big a deal, but when you are out there for extended periods of time, it is really in your best interest to do things right (that you know work for you). 
    Additionally, if you feel something wrong, fix it right away.  For example, if your sock/shoe interface is messed up, stop and get the wrinkle out BEFORE you get a blister or sore spot.  Again, not fixing it may work for shorter runs, but not longer ones.  The effects are exponential the farther you go.  This especially goes for fuelling and hydration (NOT the same thing).  You have to stay on top of it.
    Hope this helps