No Category selected Insatiable



    I’m almost finished the first month of the weight training program I’ve started!

    First of all, I’m proud of myself. I don’t really enjoy lifting weights. I don’t really enjoy the gym in general, but I’ve gotten my butt to the gym four to five times each week and banged out the workouts.

    I’m getting over a cold, so the second half of last week’s workouts weren’t that strong (and to be honest, I should have rested sometimes instead of forcing myself into it), but overall, I’m feeling good.

    My arms are bigger. I’m actually quite surprised how much muscle I’ve developed in four weeks. But my arms are definitely bigger. My back and chest feel stronger, and to be honest, I’ve even seen a difference in my legs. They aren’t bigger, but they are more toned looking.

    There has been one aspect of this whole program that I’m struggling with though: Eating.

    Turns out, weight lifting (in addition to my regular hiking, running, touch of yoga routine) leaves me with an insatiable appetite. I am Always. Hungry.

    Last week, the combination of feeling really lethargic because of my cold mixed with two and a half weeks of feeling vaguely unsatisfied ended with me eating a lot of peanut butter and jam sandwiches and Doritos. Predictably, I was left with a bloated stomach and a renewed resolve to eat my veggies.

    I think the solution to my never-abating hunger may be fat. I try to eat two avocados a week and some almonds most days, but today I bought two cans of coconut milk (very high in fat – who knew?) to mix in with my morning protein shake. I also take a daily supplement of omegas. The combo of all those things should leave my fat stores high by the end of the week and I’m hoping that it will make me feel more satisfied – I’m not sure my pants can handle another Dorito-heavy weekend.