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    Check out Krysten Siba Bishop’s latest project!


    Krysten Siba Bishop gives an update on her second spring half marathon. She also shares more about her secret side project that’s shining a spotlight on her incredible story. It’s a privilege to have her as part of our group of Saucony #FindYourStrong athletes.


    iRun: Congratulations on running the Scotiabank Blue Nose Half Marathon. Can you tell us why you chose this event?

    Krysten Siba Bishop: Thank you! I signed up for this one on a bit of a whim. I found out a few months ago that I would be going to Halifax for the Blue Nose Marathon for work. I hadn’t signed up for any races yet for 2015 and had heard really good things about the Blue Nose Weekend. I didn’t know if I would have the chance to be out there for race weekend again, so I figured why not sign up and away I went.

    iRun: How did your race go?

    KSB: I think all things considered it went really well. My race prep was about as bad as it could have been. I worked long hours in the days leading up, including two days on expo duty, which is basically nine to 10 hours of standing. I was pretty tired when I went to bed on Saturday night, but my goal was to enjoy the race and run by effort as opposed to pace/time. I finished in 2:10:18 – which I must admit with tired legs and a hilly course was much faster than I expected.

    iRun: So you’ll be looking forward to coming back and giving the course another go?

    KSB: I would definitely run this event again. I was nervous about the hills and I had heard it was a very challenging course, but I had a great time out there. The people were extremely friendly, the crowd support was fantastic and the views from Point Pleasant Park were amazing.

    iRun: How are you feeling health wise?

    KSB: Everything is A-okay in the health department. Which is not something I get to say very often so I am happy to be feeling good again.

    iRun: That’s wonderful to hear, so what’s up next on the race front?

    KSB: Good question, but I’m not sure. One of my goals when rehabbing this time was to take some of the pressure off and really listen to my body. So while I have had a really busy May, I don’t have any other races lined up just yet. I would like to do some triathlons again this summer, and to continue to focus on building up my endurance. One of the big things I have noticed now that I am racing again, is that I have developed a lot muscle imbalances as a result of the last few surgeries. So I am planning to focus on more weight training this summer. And I am hoping to come back even stronger.

    iRun: You have been working on a secret project, can you tell us more?

    KSB: I was approached by Sportchek to ashare my story and running journey as part of the company’s #SweatForThis Campaign. I’ll admit that I felt completely humbled to be asked and a little nervous, especially when the crew of 30 people showed up at my house and we filmed for 15 hours. It was an amazing once in a lifetime experience and I am honoured to be able share my story in this way.

    Follow Krysten Siba Bishop on her incredible running journey. Looking for more motivation? Read additional #FindYourStrong stories here.


    1. She placed in her age category too, proud of you!
      That’s how you find your strong…unexpected places & moments!

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