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    Cross Training…


    You know the thing about cross training is, it gives you a break both mentally and physically from running…

    You can cross train to replace a run and you can cross train to support your running… when i inline skate i replace my run because i go hard, for several kms and i really work my legs and it is a great cardio work out when i do… when i bike on the trails or bike to commute, i use my legs, but no jarring so I use that to build other muscles that will support my running.

    I am at a point of runners burn out because of the intensity of the program i am on and i miss the cross training that i have no time to fit in… i could swim, or walk, or bike or even play more badminton and basketball, but i have chosen to do this training with JUST running… for me, i will not do this again… i love my other sports and i love the change of pace, but i am interested in seeing if this training regime makes a big difference in my personal record… that is my goal and i hope i achieve it, because i really plan on going back to running and cross training… highly recommend it for your mental well being for sure…

    TOTB: Make sure you cross train with sports that are fun and not just because they are different from running… I truly believe when you love what you do, the mental high you get is more empowering than constant repetition of what you think makes you faster, but only makes you less willing to give it your all

    BOTB: The challenge with cross training is remembering what bag holds what equipment and do you have what you need before you leave so you don’t have to buy what you left behind… and let me tell you, if the candy store at the lake doesn’t carry goggles and you have to buy the kids play ones… they really don’t keep the water out as well as they let the water in… swimming across a lake blinded by the murky water kinda takes the fun out of the training…

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    Bringing her refreshing, prairie perspective to the blog scene, this self-described “farm girl from Saskatchewan” is now living in Edmonton and training for a marathon in Berlin, amongst other very ambitious goals. Her upbeat tempo caught our attention (“I love to motivate others to TRY”), as did her “TOTBs,” otherwise known as “Tip of this Blog.” Laurie’s helpful hints include real-life, girl advice you can’t afford to miss (“If you are doing winter running and you are going to be running early, be sure to put your mascara on AFTER your run!”). Because hey – you’ve got to look good when you’re out there!