No Category selected Describing the indescribable – have you been here?

    Describing the indescribable – have you been here?


    I realize there has been a lengthy break here on my Endorphin Junkie blog. There is a story, but it’s for another day.

    So I got up early for my long run today. My cat decided that it would be fun to attack my other cat’s tail on the bed at six o’clock and cut a precious 30 minutes off my night. I was moving slowly but I eventually managed to drag my carcass out the door.

    My legs were heavy and achy from a workout earlier in the week and it looked like this whole run was going to be a slog. I resigned myself to it and settled in at a slow pace. I distracted myself with a game of wildlife-Bingo, mentally daubing an imaginary card with chipmunks, rabbits, and various other critters.

    falling-up-514669-mI wasn’t quite halfway through my planned distance when something magical happened. While it actually came about gradually, the realization hit me all at once: at 9.84K it was like a button had been pressed. That was the moment I realized I was high.

    I must confess, it isn’t unusual for me to get the Runner’s High on a long run, so I know I am fortunate that way. I know some people run for decades without ever experiencing it and are sure it’s a myth. It happened unusually early today, but I am not complaining.

    At the risk of sounding a little unbalanced, I am going to try to describe it for those of you who haven’t experienced it – my brain is a scary place, so consider yourself warned.

    So 9.84K. The fatigue in my legs was gone, and the ache was slowly draining away. My back was straight and my shoulders were back and my breath was deep and controlled – I felt great. Euphoric, even.

    • I saw something on the path ahead but I couldn’t tell what it was. When I got to it and realized it wasn’t a bit of spilled straw, but rather a dappling of sunlight, I became rather giddy and ran through like it was a sprinkler full of pixie dust.
    • I ran a half-kilometre past my turnaround point (adding another kilometre to my total distance) – but managed to convince myself that any further was likely a bad idea.
    • I actually called BINGO! when I got my full line of chipmunks.
    • I mentally signed myself up for three races, and added a half marathon for a new runner-friend of mine for good measure.
    • As I passed a lady walking in the same direction as I was, I wanted to tell her I liked her shirt, but what I actually said was, “Good morning. I LOOooove the HELL out of your SHIRT.” I think I may have scared her a little.
    • I slowly picked up my pace for a fast finish, and honestly felt like I could run forever.

    When I look at that all spelled out, it looks absurd and a little crazy – but keep in mind that, with the exception of all of the imaginary race sign-ups (which were more like a half-hour planning session), they were all just fleeting moments – but they were very vivid and enjoyable.

    Two hours later I still feel good – happy, optimistic…I don’t really know what else to say, besides maybe wheeeeeeee!!

    Oh, and I LOOooove the HELL out of your SHIRT.

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    A runner for just over four years, Karen has already completed a marathon, two half marathons and a variety of 5k and 10k races. She describes her first marathon - the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon last September - as "a nightmare." However, she met a very interesting person in the process - a man named Sydney who was running his 152nd marathon! Although the race didn't go as well as planned for Karen or Sydney, he showed her that no matter how experienced a runner you are, you can still have a bad day. "Does that mean we shouldn't bother to prepare, or maybe just shouldn't bother at all? Of course not!" says Karen. "In the end, it is what we make it." We like her optimism!


    1. Absolutely! This weekend, running a half marathon race, overcast, cool ocean breeze….. Not a care in the world, can’t feel a single thing… Floating!

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