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    Do I Have To Pay For the Running Pleasure?


    I was looking at an internet commercial the other day.  What made it a commercial for me was the fact that it was advertising something that  I’m really not interested in, but have to put up with to get to the good stuff.

    It was an ad for singles running.  Maybe it is like eHarmony.  A friend met his wife through eHarmony.  I could send in my runing profile … something like, “relatively attractive female, of a certain age.  Loves loud music and  going for 5 km runs.”

    People looking up their numbers at the Bay
    People looking up their numbers at the Bay

    Then they would match me up with a similar person and we could get to know each other before eventually deciding to meet.  Our first date would be something like a 5 km run along Pier 4 Park.  We could run hand in hand, dodging Canada goose poop.  He would know I am the one as soon as he set his eyes on my really nice Brooks Glycerin 6 shoes.  Because he had a matching pair.  He would ask me to marry him while we are doing our very first half marathon.  I’m thinking Road2Hope.  And we would get married  on the course for Around the Bay.

    Or I could go speed dating.  There would have to be a bit of prelimary work done by the co-ordinators of the dating sight.  They would have to make sure they had a course for all sorts of runners.  Everything from beginners to marathon runners.  We would spend at least 1 km with each of our potential partners.  Just think of the stories we could tell our grandchildren. 

    The finish line at the Around the Bay Road Race
    The finish line at the Around the Bay Road Race

    Or maybe I could skip paying for the pleasure and just continue to run with friends.  My married friends tell me that its important to have our own interests.  But when I’m out in -17 degree weather shouldn’t I share the misery, I mean joy?

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    A runner for almost two years, Terry recently had the mildly traumatic experience of trying to find a flattering pair of running pants (“Isn’t running about pushing personal boundaries and just getting out there and moving? Except when you don’t look in the least bit like Paula Radcliffe.”). But although she may have been a bit embarrassed by “helpful handsome guy” at the store, she keeps a great perspective through her running experiences. Pushing through a number of injuries early in her running career, she got right back to training for her next race. “The feeling of elation when I crossed the finish line is unimaginable,” says Terry. Sounds like she’s hooked for good!