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    Do I Really Have To Spit On My Shoes Before I Put Them On?

    Which ones are the lucky socks?
    Which ones are the lucky socks?
    Which ones are the lucky socks?

    I did a Google search for superstitions today.   I was looking to see if there are any surrounding sports.  It was really kind of cool to read through the various articles.

    Who knew there were so many floating around out there?  And in so  many different sports.

    For example, it’s a bad thing to wear yellow in tennis.  And who knew that when I walked barefoot on a dock past a fisher person the fish wouldn’t bite.

    What prompted all this searching for superstitions you ask?   I have my own superstition.    My running life won’t end if I don’t do the one thing I do before a race.  I know, because a couple times I haven’t been able to and I haven’t gotten stress fractures before the race.  Or at least I don’t think so.

    You see the one thing I try to do is buy a new pair of socks.  I don’t really care what kind they are.    As long as they are new.  And the colour doesn’t matter either.

    I think it started  when I bought a pair of socks before my very first Around the Bay road race.  And it just continued from there.  I bought a pair when I did the Double Crown and Road2Hope and Jingle Bell Run.

    Even more socks to choose from at the Den.
    Even more socks to choose from at the Den.

    I had to buy new shoes as you know from  previous blogs, and Esther was kind enough to throw in a pair of socks with the shoes.  Maybe that is her superstition, I’ll have to ask.  I don’t have to  buy a pair of socks now.  I could if I really wanted to.  They are waiting in a special  spot for next Sunday.  When I will get up  bright and early and slide those new socks on.

    If I am lucky enough, my good luck shirt won’t smell too bad from not being washed since the last race I was in.  And I’ll have to tap someone’s goalie pads on  my way to the race.  But I’m not superstitious.

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    A runner for almost two years, Terry recently had the mildly traumatic experience of trying to find a flattering pair of running pants (“Isn’t running about pushing personal boundaries and just getting out there and moving? Except when you don’t look in the least bit like Paula Radcliffe.”). But although she may have been a bit embarrassed by “helpful handsome guy” at the store, she keeps a great perspective through her running experiences. Pushing through a number of injuries early in her running career, she got right back to training for her next race. “The feeling of elation when I crossed the finish line is unimaginable,” says Terry. Sounds like she’s hooked for good!