No Category selected Friday, October 3, 2008

    Friday, October 3, 2008


    A slight detour on life’s ever-changing road map has lead me to the proverbial “Big Apple” – and yes I DO mean the term popularized by John J. Fitz Gerald in a number of New York Morning Telegraph articles in the 1920s – NEW YORK CITY! And what a fabulous experience it has been.

    Empire state building wait-lines , the current Wall Street turmoil, the havoc that is Times Square, the uber-selection on Broadway, the occasional less-than-sane subway rider, and a few hours of being lost : all coming together in a blink of an eye.

    The city’s industrial-strength “I NY” campaign was loud and proud on every corner we turned … as we would then suddenly bump into another set of tourists aimlessly walking around in amazement. Eyes up, cameras poised.I didn’t do any running downtown – come to think of it I didn’t see any runners downtown. Central Park proved to be the hub of athletic action however. While it took us two hours to bike (at a fairly accelerated pace) the loop I saw many, many people of all ages taking on the hills and valleys within New York’s most famous green space. It was such a different atmosphere there too. Those who would be evidently be college students, the older runners who have been clearly on-pace for longer than I’ve been alive and then there were the racing cyclists. I have four words for them – Go speed racers, go! Twice I almost got pegged: once leisurely riding and the other – more embarrassingly –standing still in a cross walk – oops! Ha ha!

    Thank goodness for the hotel gym! 🙂

    Home-sweet-home on the 6th!