at the races I ran my fall race. Now what?

I ran my fall race. Now what?

After the completion of a fall race, and (ideally) a peak performance, there are several things to consider in the weeks ahead—before any thoughts or plans for your next race target.
First, review how the race went.
Did you execute accordingly to plan?
Was pacing correct?
Considering race conditions and your fitness.
Did you fuel properly?
Again, considering race distance and weather?
And the big one: did you achieve your goal?
Spend some downtime (call it an “active rest”) for three weeks following the race. This is important. Run about 50% of peak volume—easier and unstructured. In the active rest period, run low intensity, vary surfaces and don’t measure (or care) how far you are running. If you feel inclined, do some cross-training,
preferably non-weight bearing and as unstructured as possible.
After active rest period, you will feel refreshed. Both physically and mentally. And ready to train for new races and goals. 
Peter Butler is the owner of Forerunners, a Vancouver-based independent running shop with three locations.