No Category selected Listening to the Boss

    Listening to the Boss


    I’m not sure if it’s been the time change or what this week, but not a morning has come ’round that I haven’t passionately wished for more sleep.

    Yesterday was no exception. I got the kids dressed and shipped off to daycare, came home and got dressed in my running gear. 26k: I can do this. What I really wanted was to go back to bed. I was exhausted.

    I did a shorter 5k loop around my neighbourhood with my dog then dropped her at home and headed out on the road. I knew by the time I was 4k into the run that it wasn’t going to be a good one. My legs were tired, I was getting a headache, my stomach was starting to feel queasy (normal for me on a long run, not normal 5k into a long run). At 8k, I made up my mind and turned around and ran home. I put in 12k all together, got into the tub and then fell asleep in my bed.

    Last night I was dizzy and nauseas and exhausted. This morning I’m feeling better.

    Maybe I would have been able to pull of the whole 26k yesterday, though I’m inclined to think that I wouldn’t have. But I’m 100% sure that I made the right choice to turn around and cut it short.

    I know that last week I wrote about ignoring what your head is telling you to do for the sake of running, but this week, I’m preaching to listen to your body, because it really knows what you need.


    1. Sometimes it’s better to take it easy and allow for a strong return to training instead of accumulating the subpar training sessions. I hope you get out of your funk soon ….

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