at the races My First Time Lining Up in Love: Five Sleeps til Boston

My First Time Lining Up in Love: Five Sleeps til Boston


When someone comes into your lane on the track it’s an automatic disqualification in the shorter distances. But what does a marathoner do when love comes into his lane? Do you try to outsprint the emotion leaving it behind or do you let it pace you to the finish?

The beauty of the marathon is that it has no end. Sure you cross the finish line but what comes after, all those emotions, the feelings of accomplishment or the lessons learned along the way are things you carry with you into the marathon of life. 

I’ve never had a marathon build go so fast. This season I had to share my focus with a new love. I put all the work in day in day out with some days better than others—but I always had a special someone on my mind. 

Normally in the weeks before a race the time couldn’t go by any slower. You’re counting down the days and are an emotional wreck or going through phantom injuries. You’ve planned your kit, you’ve done a couple runs in your racing shoes and you’re checking the weather each time you pick up the phone. 

Meanwhile: I’m deep into the rhythm of love. Instead of being at home I’m halfway around the world with my boyfriend sleeping way more than I have in who knows how long, while still logging all my miles and hitting my workouts. I’ll only have a few days upon my return to Toronto before I fly to Boston. But it’s not my first time toeing the line in Hopkinton, it is, however, my first time lining up in love.

How will this play out on race day? Can I use this to my advantage?

This season I got the nutrition right and I’ve been working constantly on my confidence and inner strength. I can no longer run scared. I told myself I would run strong and in control. And this time I’ll have a ton of joy in my heart and a smile on my face as I go through the journey towards Boylston Street. So yes, use all the love you have in your life on race day.

The love from your family and friends, your community, your partner, take it all with you and let it lead the way to your success.

That’s my marathon plan come Patriot’s Day.

To read Gabriel’s earlier posts about his training for the Boston Marathon, click here. He runs for HOKA and wears HOKA shoes. Click here for our review of the HOKA Cielo X1