Nutrition Roasted cauliflower

Roasted cauliflower


Please note: The Shuffler has not actually attempted this recipe herself. I remain deeply suspicious of any recipe involving cauliflower (also green peas). However, I have been told by Elbows that this recipe is delicious. And I’ve heard some people actually like cauliflower.


1 head of cauliflower
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of paprika (preferably smoked)

3 gloves of garlic

Salt and pepper to taste

To prepare cauliflower, remove any leaves at the base and trim the stem. Cut it into pieces as evenly as possible. Rinse and drain.

Mix all ingredients in a baking pan big enough to hold cauliflower in a single layer.  Bake for 30-40 minutes at 375 degrees until browned, stirring after about 20 minutes.

**Do you love green peas, brussel sprouts or some other food that I don’t like? Don’t let me dictate the food blogging agenda: send in your recipes and I’ll feature them, even if they involve liver. E-mail us at**

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