No Category selected T Minus 1 day and counting!!!

    T Minus 1 day and counting!!!



    To what you may ask????  Running again of course!  My back is beginning to feel normal again, well as normal as it can get for now.  Walking and moving around are good, it’s the sitting and lying down that hurt the most.  So I guess all I need to do is keep moving.  Hmmmm I seem to remember a blog entry not too long ago where I was in a constant state of motion doing laps around my house (when I had a house) with my daughter in my arms trying to get her to sleep. Ironic isn’t it, when I could use a crying fussy kid they are 5 hours away!

    So there it is again, in writing that I will get out and run tomorrow.  But before I go I wanted to share with you what some of you said you do to cope with injuries.

    1. Drink (not the last time you will see this suggestion)
    2. be pregnant and eat a ton of crap. (Thanks Kel, you really know how to help out your brother 🙂)
    3. shop – mainly for shoes as the rest of the body is not typically up to snuff. (no thanks)
    4. Watch People running on TV (no problem, especially if it is Jack Bauer chasing a bad dude…or cousin Joe being a bad dude)
    5. Sit in front of the TV with a snack (very doable)
    6. spend the weekend in Cabo with a rare single malt scotch and a box of Cohiba Siglo’s (fun I am sure but unfortunately not possible)
    7. drink. (familiar theme here, submitted by the same person no less)
    8. Drink Light beer and don’t push yourself (have you been watching me for the last week??? long live the beer king 😉 )

     Thanks to all of you for your input and check back Thursday for my update on how my run went….hopefully it won’t be in the snow!









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    A banker by day, 35-year-old Tyler recently decided to train for a marathon. And by "decided," he means that "my wife has given me permission to train for the full." A dedicated family man with two young children (a three-year-old and a six-month-old), Tyler says it's a constant challenge to find more time to run. He says that his wife wants him to run because it's good for his heart, but he's slightly suspicious that the real reason might be because his body "was beginning to look more and more like a pear," and "she doesn't like pears." We wish him the best of luck in becoming the fruit of his wife's dreams!