Marathon Mom The Night Before Boston, by Krista DuChene

The Night Before Boston, by Krista DuChene


The rest of our #TeamDuChene has gone to the gym for a quick after dinner bout of exercise. I’m choosing to sit this one out. So I’ll share my final thoughts before it’s time to unplug, or until they return, whichever comes first. 

The coffee, bagel and honey, and uniform is set out.

The alarm is set.

My belly is topped up with sweet potatoes, buns, rice and pasta.

My heart is full of gratitude and contentment.

My head is packed with perspective and knowledge.
My soul is well.
The last few days have included the usuals that go with any other marathon: travel, easy runs, media events, special dinners, uniform inspection and bottle drop off, the technical meeting, easy strolls, and a lot of rest. It’s been a bit different with the kids here but activities like the Boston Duck Tour and Boston Red Sox game have kept them entertained and occupied.
My training was nearly identical to last year and I’m again feeling comfortable and relaxed, hoping to enjoy the process of taking it all in from Hopkinton to Boston. It is truly an honour to be here again, in the John Hancock Elite Program. We are so well cared for, and the staff and volunteers have again paid incredible attention to every detail.
I don’t know what I will think about when it gets tough along those Newton Hills tomorrow. Maybe it will be the grit I’ve gained from training through another very Canadian winter or the many heartfelt messages I’ve received or the hope the weather will worsen like last year or that my family will be at the finish line.
But I know I’ll smile.


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