No Category selected Tomorrow is my 7th runnerversary

    Tomorrow is my 7th runnerversary


    Dear Running,

    I always feel sentimental at this time of year.  Tomorrow is the seventh anniversary of the day we got together.  We had met a few times in passing, but those first few times, as you know, I didn’t really like you.  I wanted to, though.  Luckily, you didn’t judge, and weren’t offended by my initial reactions to you.

    As with most relationships, we had to work at it – but when we finally did get together, we really clicked, didn’t we?  Even now, 7 years later, I am every bit as twitter-pated as I was then – but it’s even better because now we’re so comfortable together.  You don’t make me nervous like you did then.  Yes, it’s true; when we first got together I was nervous –downright scared, actually.  I worried: what if you aren’t right for me? What if the relationship is a complete failure? What if I get hurt? But you were very understanding – you were fine with taking it slow at first, moving at my pace and seeing where things would go. We took it easy through the summer and fall, even took a bit of a break that first winter, and picked up again in spring as though we’d never been apart.

    That’s when things really started to heat up.  It was just you and me, seeing how far we would go – it was a whirlwind, a really exciting time.  Then I met Tanya and we became a threesome – and I was surprised at how much I liked it.  We even tried the group thing from time to time, but it never got weird – not even when we went back to just us.

    We spend a lot of time alone, actually – it’s funny, I never seem to get bored.  You challenge me, push me, encourage me to test my limits.  It’s exhilarating and exhausting and you often leave me spent – and even if I am satisfied in the moment, I always want more, always wonder, what’s next?

    Our relationship has been nothing short of transformative for me. I know I couldn’t possibly have the same impact on you as you have on me, but that’s okay – I’ll happily settle with introducing you to as many people as I can – there’s more than enough of you to go around, and I am not the jealous type.

    So for this, our 7th anniversary, I will tell you that I am still so very happy to have found you.  Even though it still feels brand new, I can’t imagine life without you.  I am grateful for every day that we spend together, and even on the one or two days per week that we’re apart, you never really leave me, because now you’re a part of me, and I am a better person for having found you.



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    A runner for just over four years, Karen has already completed a marathon, two half marathons and a variety of 5k and 10k races. She describes her first marathon - the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon last September - as "a nightmare." However, she met a very interesting person in the process - a man named Sydney who was running his 152nd marathon! Although the race didn't go as well as planned for Karen or Sydney, he showed her that no matter how experienced a runner you are, you can still have a bad day. "Does that mean we shouldn't bother to prepare, or maybe just shouldn't bother at all? Of course not!" says Karen. "In the end, it is what we make it." We like her optimism!


    1. I’m a new runner, but that was inspiring. Unfortunately, I’ve already been “hurt” in my relationship, but look forward to seeing how far my new relationship goes when my broken heel mends. Thanks for sharing!!!

    2. Hang in there, Debi – eventually you will forgive running and you two will be happy again 😉

    3. Fabulous post – Karen – you are correct: running is always right there waiting for us all. It’s a fabulous relationship: as long as I do my part, it has never let me down Happy Runnerversary!

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