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    Training and Time



    Let me tell you about my week.

    I started a new job as the Director of Planning with a private corporation, and the hours are longer than my previous job when I worked for government.  To be specific, five hours more a week, without the expected overtime.    Oh, how I miss the 35 hour work week of government and those extra five hours of personal time.

    My new job has a commute of about 45 -50 minutes each way.  So there goes another almost 2 hours a day.

    My mum was diagnosed with a serious, likely terminal illness about a week ago.  Doctors appointments, visits with her, conversations with family members, and generally the time worrying about the future rose to the top of my must do list.

    I also play soccer on a wonderful team with great woman, and that was something I definitely wanted to continue to do, along with my boot camp that assisted me in my recent weight loss.

    So I had a little panic attack when I remembered this great contest I won,(Thanks again iRun) and then I was suppose to run 4-5 times a week, including a longer run and a 2 hour slot during the week for a speed/interval/non-tortoise type workout.  How was I going to fit it all in?

    So here is my new philosphy of life for the next little bit.

    1. Hire a house cleaner so that my time is freed up to do some of the important stuff in my life.

    2. Get my runs in during my work day as much as I can, specifically at lunch time.  That is a whole hour and I need to get from my desk and move.  Its hard to leave work sometimes but I am doing to try and be disiplined about it.

    3. Got to work earlier so that I get home earlier and can actually do things I enjoy during the evening.  I want to play soccer,  so when I negotiated my job conditions, a modified work day was necessary for me.

    4. As much as it pained me, I dropped back on the number of boot camp classes that I was taking.  I am trying to take take 1-2 a week, instead of the 3-4 a week I was doing before.  I love boot camp and the whole body workout it gives me but I will go back to it when life permits.

    5. Enjoy the time as best I can, and let the future take care of itself.  My runs are now part of my thinking, debriefing, stress relieving time.

    I’ll let you know how it works out.


    1. Chrystal – It was a fantastic effort to keep it all in control and get the ‘job’ done on the roads. You hit all the training targets for the week and then added some soccer in! The pace of your runs are much better than last week.

      I love your balancing tips. These are great strategies that I try to use myself. Thanks for the reminder.

    2. Wow, you really have a lot going on – good for you for getting it done! Love the tips, especially #5 🙂

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