No Category selected Training the Coach

    Training the Coach


    So I think that I mentioned I’ll be training the TNT winter team here in Halifax for the Disney Princess half and the Madrid Rock and Roll Marathon, right?

    I’ve done some coaching through the Running Room, but nothing as long as a half or full marathon. My own personal running experience combined with the coaching experience I have leaves me feeling mostly confident about my ability to help the team cross that finish line.

    However, I wanted to get in some reading before the clinics get underway early next month, so after browsing for a while online, I ended up buying two “light” reads. Daniel’s Running Formula (this book is written by the man who holds the TNT coach certification clinics, so I figured it was a good resources for my own TNT clinic) and The Lore of Running (this bad boy is almost 1,000 pages long!).

    I flipped quickly through the first chapter of each book and while there seems to be a lot of talk about skeletal muscles scientific sounding stuff, I think they’ll be a great resource. Let’s face it, I’ve pretty much memorized my other book on running and need to move onto something more detailed.

    So, my request from you, iRun readers, is to leave a suggestion of good coaching resources (or even good running reads!) here in the comments. I have three weeks to get my running read on and learn all I can learn about running… stuff…

    (Also, Heart Rate Monitors. Yay or nay? I know I’ll be getting some questions about them and since I’m not a user myself, I need input from those of you who are. And if you are very persuasive, I may even ask Santa for one for Christmas!)


    1. This is a great site for all distances. Check nutrition and workouts. Hope this helps and keep me posted. I may try to help with a local Cross Country team.

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