Training What Does Your Running Gear Say About You?

What Does Your Running Gear Say About You?


Making a statement, literally–by wearing one on your clothes–is a trend that hasn’t shown signs of slowing down.

BY: Karen Kwan

Whether it’s declaring you’re Canadian (“Home is here,” for example), sharing some humour (one of my favourites is the one motivating cheering runners to run like Channing Tatum is waiting at the finish line), or your running motto, such as these cute and super affordable ones from Old Navy, this trend let’s you reveal a little bit about yourself without saying a word.

“Can’t stop, won’t stop,” is actually something that pops into my mind when pushing myself to get through a long run, and “Solid heart, strong body,” well, that’s true of all of us runners, right? What I like about these motto tops is that these items allow you to make a connection, even if fleeting, with the fellow athletes around you. Who hasn’t smirked just a little upon reading on a fellow runner that running is cheaper than therapy (we all can relate!), or picked up the pace briefly when seeing someone’s t shirt that says “Faster, better, greater, stronger.” More often than not, the gear features sayings we’ve all heard many times, and yet still, these sayings will never get old.

What are some of your favourite statement or motto tees?

Karen Kwan is a regular iRun fashion and travel contributor, and you’ll find her running fashion posts every Friday on Instagram. She contributes to a number of publications and you can also follow her travel and running adventures at Health & Swellness.