Community CBD and Running: What You Need to Know from MediPharm Labs iRun...

CBD and Running: What You Need to Know from MediPharm Labs iRun 420 Event


The sixty runners assembled by iRun and MediPharm Labs at the Miss Jones shop on Fort York Boulevard in Toronto for 4/20—the international cannabis holiday—were blown away by the vast array of CBD products. The runners, curious about minor non-intoxicating cannabinoids and fans of MediPharm Labs, looked over bottles of CBN oil and, among other things, soft chews with CBG to promote relaxation, and were amazed.

Miss Jones isn’t exactly Healthy Planet. However, cannabis, as our attendees discovered, has more uses than the stereotypical jokes about Pink Floyd albums and video games. In an effort to confront stigma, the sixty runners learned about the medical uses of CBD products, as described by me—a long-time user of MediPharm Labs products and the owner of iRun magazine. MediPharm Labs make pharmaceutical-grade products, which means they’re dosed correctly, consistent, and, most importantly, worthy of your trust as a runner who cares about their health and with big race goals.

“I had no idea there were this many variations of CBD,” said Erik Sjohom, who trains with me at BlackToe Running in Toronto and is training for the TCS Marathon in New York this fall. “We spoke to the employee at Miss Jones for awhile after the run about MediPharm Labs, CBN and CBG. This is awesome.”

After a pre-fun run round of stretches, led by Shahbaaz Kara-Virani, a health and wellness influencer and beach soccer star, the runners and walkers (me!) took off from Miss Jones at 4:20 p.m., ran down to the Martin Goodman Trail and returned back to the store—completed a loop of 4.2K.

Cory Freedman, founder and owner of PUMA Toronto Women’s Run Series who, like Under Armour, generously gave prizes to participants—along with Xact Nutrition and KT Tape, bringing sport and CBD together on a very special day—was impressed with the turnout.

“We know in the United States CBD is treated differently than how it’s treated here in Canada,” said Freedman. “In the US, CBD is available at groceries and drug stores, but in Canada, it’s only distributed at licensed cannabis dispensaries. This will hopefully change, of course, and it should. It’s nice to see runners being introduced for the first time to these products.”

After the run was finished, many of the runners lingered inside Miss Jones to ask questions and shop. It was an afternoon of discovery; an afternoon enjoyed by runners and the CBD curious—an afternoon enjoyed by us all.

For information on CBD and MediPharm Labs products, please click here.