Gear CONTEST! Win a MEC jacket, the World’s Best Running Gloves, and Discover...

CONTEST! Win a MEC jacket, the World’s Best Running Gloves, and Discover Dozens of Winter Cold Weather Jewels


The cat’s out of the bag: we still have lots more winter. The good news about that, though, is how durable and awesome winter running gear both has become and, uniquely, always has been. Lots of runners, including Sabrina Young and I, have deep bonds with our winter running clothes, some of which are as old as our children. How do you get yourself out on a run in the winter? Let us know and two lucky winners from across the country will win either gloves from Icebreakers (the best gloves I’ve ever worn), or a MEC Pace Hybrid Soft Shell Jacket.

What do you love about Winter Running?

Answer in the comments and WIN WIN WIN!! 

Here are items that I love, and what follows are items written in by our readers. These are Winter Cold Weather Jewels, items that just might last you to 2035.

MEC Pace Hybrid Soft Shell Jacket, $89.94

Windproof, breathable, colourful, and priced beneath one hundred dollars. Love it.

NIKE Dry-Fit Running Tights, $80

Made with 75% recycled material, plenty of pockets, and warmer than my weighted blanket, but twice as light. Plus, a reader wrote this about his Nike tights: “I love my Nike Dri FIT Tights, purchased in 1998.” He has had those tights 25 years!!!

UA ISO-CHILL Brushline Gaiter, $30

I recently wore this bad boy snowboarding and, when taking selfies for Instagram when it’s really cold, this makes you look like the Toughest Person in the World.

Icebreaker Unisex RealFleece Merino High Pile Mittens, $85

I would say these are the single item that has benefitted me most this winter. It makes me happy we’ll be giving these away to one of you, who can thank me later. It’s our pleasure.

ASICS Seamless LS Top, $80

We hold this truth to be self-evident: the only way to run in the cold is through layering. Love the thumbhole, and the butter soft feel.

Ciele CRWCap Iconic Athletics, $75

Montreal brand synonymous with hipster cold weather running ups the style quotient while offering a firm fit and ear warmth beyond compare.

HOKA Speedgoat 5 GTX Spike, $230

Spend just over two hundred dollars once and have winter running shoes that are light, warm and will last ten years.

And now a few recommendations from our readers: 

Running Room Unisex Mitts, with pockets, $59.99

“I bundle up and layer but need my hands to be warm!” Noel Paine

Oakley sunglasses, prices vary—from $126 to well over $300

“Often overlooked is eyewear with clear or light tinted lenses for those dark winter mornings and evenings. Aside from blocking blowing snow and ice from your eyeballs, they help keep your face warm.” Michael Lin

Lululemon Down for It All Jacket, $228

“It’s kept me outside on the coldest of days—some days I actually find it a little too warm!!!” Sue D. Due [Ed note: after Sue wrote that, two others readers voiced their mutual jacket appreciation]

A Cool DIY Tip from Melanie Boultbee:

“The watch window used to be the thumb hole which was cut to be a bit bigger for the watch face.”

Meanwhile, this reader’s HIND jacket is twenty years old!! 

He says, “It’s indestructible!”

So, what do you love about Winter Running?

Tell us and win Icebreaker gloves or the MEC coat!!







  1. What I love about winter running is the badassery of it makes me mentally stronger for my spring race. It makes me appreciate the training process even more.

  2. What I love about winter running is that it’s a way to get outside and get fresh air and sunshine when you’re spending most of your time indoors. I love running on the soft snow and the extra sunlight that can come through bare tree branches.

  3. I love running with my friends on pathways that have been cleared in the winter and the challenge of keeping warm while I’m out there!

  4. Love the quiet hush of snow falling. Watching the flakes float down and dampen all the noise around me. Making fresh tracks on newly laid snow, and knowing I’m the very first person to experience it that morning.
    All bets are off if it is windy though! ?

  5. The challenge; being able to get out, no matter how cold or wet it is, and being able to complete some run, even when you don’t want to, can take courage for some people.

  6. If there is snow in Vancouver BC the city shuts down but it feels great to layer up and lace up in some trail shoes or spikes and hit the roads, the seawall or the trails. I love the peace that a blanket of snow causes and I feel like a badass snow warrior when I get out in challenging winter conditions.

  7. What I like about winter running is you have to keep running to stay warm. You don’t sweat as much as the heat keeps you warm. I like that it’s an F you to nature! Plus the health bennifits and all. Plus it beats working.

  8. I love being out in the deep cold when no one else is around. I love how tough I feel. I love feeling some sun on my face even when it’s twenty below!

  9. Love the sound of the snow from each footsteps on those early morning winter runs or those peaceful runs through the cemetery when layered with a fresh blanket of snow, so thankful to leave in such a beautiful country we call Canada.

  10. I love how tough it makes me feel. And also how often it’s much quieter and I can get run a little more carefree.

  11. I love wearing my balaclava and seeing all the frost that builds up on it and my eyelashes on a bitterly cold day. I always take a selfie and post that the “Running Ninja” is out on the roads. My Running Room winter jacket has lasted me 12 years and my Nike Dry-Fit tights the same amount of time as well. I could use new winter running socks though – too many holes to count (and that’s with 2 pairs that I rotate through)!

  12. Winter running makes me feel both alive & hardcore especially since I grew up in a country where it never snowed & Winter is mild!

  13. I love how winter running offers opportunities to strengthen mental resilience. It also can help runners engage different muscles and improve balance. Winter can also be quite beautiful too!

  14. Winter running builds character and makes me appreciate the fact that I GET to do this everyday! Oh and I run faster 😉

  15. I love the crunch of snow under the shoes, the quiet sidewalks and pretty scenery of ice and snow on the trees

  16. I love how silent it is in the forest with freshly fallen snow- the new snow muffles sounds, and it’s so peaceful.

  17. Running in winter might be the best time of the year to run. The air is fresh and crisp and you can be so one with nature. Getting out on those snowy days can be quite daunting but the feeling at the finish, that’s the why, how and what reasons I get out there to feel!

  18. I love that the pressure is off when winter running – times and paces are irrelevant!! Just the fact you got dressed and got out there seems to be a win!!

  19. I love the fresh air and the crunch underfoot. And really how beautiful the pathways and parks are. It can be a challenge with less sunlight, but the beauty in nature is a real payoff!

  20. The best part of Winter running is that we rarely get too warm! If we start overheating it’s easy to unzip or remove a layer. I’ve never had to stop at McDonald’s and beg for a cup of ice in the winter…haha

  21. I feel super badass in the winter. It also helps me get outside and get fresh air + vitamin D. It helps make the winters more bareable for someone that would prefer to be inside and be cozy, but knows the benefits of getting outside.

  22. I love pushing myself to get outside and the feeling of empowerment/achievement when I am done. It’s the challenge (weather/road conditions) of sticking to a plan and feeling proud when I do. Coming from Ottawa to just outside of Calgary I was pretty sure I’d be running mostly indoors this year but its been all outside (-1 day) even in the minus stupid! Feels pretty good.

  23. I love winter running because getting those tough, cold, slushy runs in make those spring goal races feel so much easier. Also the fresh air and if lucky, the vitamin D from the sunny sure help my mood. I’m lucky enough to run and train with a large group whom are just as willing to get outside during the winter months and that sure helps to keep motivated along with the promise of a hot coffee after. Winter Warriors we are 🙂 PS love the down for it all jacket, it has been a great coat for winter running.

  24. Winter training sharpens my mental toughness. There are so many excuses in Winter to stay inside but having a Spring running goal and a training plan is key!

  25. This is Canada and we can’t avoid winter running without flying south. Dressed right with a good winter running shoe, you can enjoy the freedom of fewer people on the paths and sidewalks. The tranquility of fresh snow falling when the sun peaks out on a morning run. Its never easy going out the door but you are so happy with the accomplishment when you are done. Looking forward to the hot tub after doesn’t hurt either.

  26. Winter running gives you more options than summer running. Cold – add a layer, still cold – add another layer. But in summer there is (obviously) a limit to the number of layers you can shed. You have more control.

  27. I don’t love winter running, probably because I lack good winter gear. Fingers crossed that I’ll win some to help me reach my fitness goals!

  28. I love cold weather running. The air is refreshing and running through the snow can be magical. Making the first tracks over fresh snow is the best. And nothing beats a clear cold day to appreciate the winter sunshine when it appears.

  29. Runs are never the same in the winter, every day there are different variables to contend with. It’s never boring or routine, with the added bonus that it builds a stronger mindset that you can face whatever comes your way on the day of a race.

  30. I am someone who struggles with long runs when it’s too hot outside, so as hard as it can be to get outside when it’s cold I’ll take a snow day over an intense heat day any time! That being said for me it’s all about my extremities being warm when it’s cold out, so I tend to wear 2 layers on my hands and sometimes on my feet as well. I also use hot paws for my hands when needed and they definitely do the trick.

  31. I love how quiet everything feels when you get out after a fresh snowfall and there aren’t many cars or people on the road. There truly is nothing more peaceful!

  32. I love running with my Kahtoola microspikes. Running on ice and hard packed snow is great with these and they allow me to run no matter what the weather or conditions.

  33. I run in a group, in the evening, after 6 p.m. and we are alone!! The city belongs to us!! How nice it is to be outside in the evening, the temperature is always milder!

  34. The crisp and fresh air, the gentle crunch of snow beneath my feet, the clean white scenery after a fresh snow, and the mug of hot chocolate waiting for me when I finish a run.

  35. I love running with my Kahtoola microspikes. Running on ice and hard packed snow is great with these and they allow me to run no matter what the weather or conditions.

  36. I love running outdoors in the winter because I don’t get cold. Over the years, I have learned how to dress in layers for various temperatures. I have a selection of buffs and hats of different fabrics to suit the weather. My last purchase, was a pair of insulated shorts that I wear over my running pants on very cold days. I also wear wool socks and make sure my running shoes have enough room to wiggle my toes.

  37. What I love is the challenge! Waking up in late January/February and seeing that the temperature is minus something without the windchill and still willing yourself to get out there. The first 10 minutes on a really cold day are tough, but then the body starts to warm up and the scarf is loosened and the balaclava is lifted and a rhythm sets in and the mind and body embrace the challenge. On the way back when the wind in your face, you will yourself to keep running and telling yourself that with each step you’re that much closer to the finish line.
    The best part of running on a cold day in the winter is when there is no wind nor is there a cloud in the sky and you’re running in fresh snowfall. Everything looks clean, pristine and fresh! Really invigorating!

  38. I love that it’s easier to control my tendency to overheat. There’s no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing, shoes and gear! So, layers…especially Icebreaker RealFleece Descender jackets over ZoneFit tops. Have yet to try the RealFleece mitts. ?

  39. I set my best times in the winter. I run so much better without heat and humidity. BUT – my fingers have to be warm so I’m always trying new gloves. If my fingers are cold it ruins everything.

  40. What I love about winter running is how fast and easy that first “post winter” run goes in warmer weather when there are pounds of less clothing and restrictions, and surfaces that are grippy and not slippery!!!!

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