No Category selected It’s about time

    It’s about time


    “I don’t have enough time!”

    Anecdotally, that’s got to be the number one reason people give me for not running.  Well, here are some very good reasons why that one just doesn’t fly.

    3.  You’re not taking time away from your family by taking care of yourself.  You are investing.  You know how on an airplane, you’re supposed to put on your own oxygen mask before you help someone else with theirs?  The idea is that you are better able to take care of others if you care for yourself first.  If you have more energy, more ability to cope with stress, and are generally happier, the time spent with your family will be more enjoyable.  Bonus:  you are being a good role model for your children, both in caring for themselves, and engaging in an active lifestyle!

    2.  Running is less efficient than less-vigorous exercise.  That’s a good thing!  It means you don’t need to do it as long to burn the same number of calories!

    According to Public Health:

    “Scientists say accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve your health. Time needed depends on effort – as you progress to moderate activities, you can cut down to 30 minutes, 4 days a week.”

    1.  It’s just not that much time.

    You don’t have to commit to a gruelling training plan that will take several hours per week.  You just need to commit about 30 minutes, most days of the week to getting healthy.  Half an hour.  For about the price of a cup of coffee a day you can save a child…hang on, let me try that again:  for about the length of time it takes to watch an episode of The Simpsons, you can save your health.

    Don’t waste another minute thinking up excuses!  Just go do it!  Go on!  What are you waiting for?

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    A runner for just over four years, Karen has already completed a marathon, two half marathons and a variety of 5k and 10k races. She describes her first marathon - the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon last September - as "a nightmare." However, she met a very interesting person in the process - a man named Sydney who was running his 152nd marathon! Although the race didn't go as well as planned for Karen or Sydney, he showed her that no matter how experienced a runner you are, you can still have a bad day. "Does that mean we shouldn't bother to prepare, or maybe just shouldn't bother at all? Of course not!" says Karen. "In the end, it is what we make it." We like her optimism!