Community New songs to download right now for your next run

    New songs to download right now for your next run


    Anthony Wright is a producer, composer, musician, videographer—and Runner. In December 2019, he was in a wheelchair with a shattered ankle, and weighed 325-pounds. One year later he ran his first ultra-marathon.

    An ambassador for the 2021 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Wright hopes to set the Fastest Known Time from Ajax to Toronto on the Waterfront Trail. Since he’s such an expert on music, we asked him what he listens to on his runs. His story is amazing. This is his soundtrack.

    1. Hand Me Downs, Arkells: “This song will pull you through the wall. There has been no run I’ve been on where this song didn’t pick me up, and remind me of just how freeing running feels.”
    2. FIND YOUR WAY BACK, Beyoncé: This is an Easy Run staple for me. As soon as it comes on I’m a kid again, running through the streets of my neighbourhood with my friends begging for the sun to stay in the sky just a little longer.
    3. Gold Guns Girls, Metric: My Tempo Playlist consists of only songs at 180bpm, because I want my stride to match the music. Gold Guns Girls is a 3km of a 5km song… it’s a song that will help you make a move in the back half of a race.
    1. Gaia, James Taylor: This song is Recovery Run Heaven. If you’re running by the water and this song comes on, you may never want to stop running again.
    2. Cvalda, Bjork: This is the song I put on when I’m just starting an Easy Run that I don’t feel like doing. It always brings a smile to my face, and it makes me want to settle in and get to work.
    3. Super Bass, Nicki Minaj: A guilty pleasure of mine that I just have to have out on a long run. Super Bass gets me just as amped at 30km as it does at 2km. A must have for me.
    4. Stop This Train, John Mayer: This is a threshold staple for me. When you are trying to stay relaxed at a fast pace, this song is so vital.
    5. They Don’t Care About Us, Michael Jackson: Another one from my Tempo Playlist. This one helps me settle into a pace, and the beat is so militant that its easy to find that 180spm cadence at the beginning of a track session.
    6. White Ferrari, Frank Ocean: If you listen to White Ferrari during a Recovery Run, don’t be surprised if you can no longer feel the ground beneath you.
    7. Here I Come, Barrington Levy: Got this one from a friend. Its simply amazing towards the beginning of an Easy Run, or put it at the end if you plan on a kick finish 🙂
    1. Mushaboom, Feist: Another Threshold fav. Its a beautiful song with a relaxed feel, but at 180bpm. Cadence Bliss.
    2. Nonchalant, 6lack: Sometimes you just need some swagger to make it through a Long Run. Nonchalant does it for me when there’s 5km left to go.
    3. Die Alone, FINNEAS: This is the ultimate Recovery Run song. For me, it simply doesn’t get better when you have sore legs that you don’t want to focus on.
    4. Gonna Get Over You, Sara Bareilles: I love when this song comes on during an Easy Run. It lifts my spirits instantly and reminds me to keep smiling, because that’s what we’re all doing out here after all. Chasing Happy.
    5. Lose Yourself, Eminem: The PR Conjurer. Km 4 of a 5k, 9 of a 10k, 41 of a marathon… it doesn’t matter. This song will make you kick to the finish. A must for any racer.