Motivation Take the 100 Run/100 Day Challenge and Fly

Take the 100 Run/100 Day Challenge and Fly



Started by Devashish Paul with Slowtwitch, the 100 Day Challenge is a terrific way to keep running through winter and find motivation when it’s cold enough outside to keep even the penguins in bed.

The rules of the game are simple: run for 30 minutes-a-day, every day, between now and March 25, 2017. On Slowtwitch, there’s a training log to record your runs, keep track of distance and see how far you actually went after 100 Days of running. Of course, you can take a day off if you have to. And of course, you can run for longer than 30 minutes. This isn’t an Olympic event. It’s a motivational tool to keep runners running in the Canadian cold.

Last year, this is what got Zoomphoto head honcho Joe Elliott back into running and it’s a tool that helped Sportstats head honcho Marc Roy shed something like 40 pounds. It’s definitely addictive and it’s definitely inspiring and it’s definitely something that iRun recommends.

So, happy December 15 everybody. Today is thus far the coldest day of the year in Toronto and we will be running. Will you?

Let us know!!


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